Music By Artist Charles Maring
An Epic Tale of a Photographer’s Journey
The camera is an incredible tool for storytelling, and it can open doors to some remarkable situations. The song “Shine” kicks off with the overwhelming theme of this song. “I’ve lived many places, I’ve lived many lives… I take a camera everywhere I go telling stories about love and life, and everything that’s right with this world.” Yes, it’s an epic song about the life journey of a photographer, and a very real story indeed. Creatively speaking the camera is the first love of artist Charles Maring’s life, and today it continues to be his number one tool. A Grand Award winner of the International photography awards Charles has had the opportunity to travel the world creating photographs and films for magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies, Presidents, and celebrities. Maring is a highly sought after photographer, yet selective about the number of photographic assignments he takes on. Personal growth is the joy in life, and these days Maring is pursuing a work/life balance making time for fine art painting, music, and other meaningful curiosities.
Enjoy an animated storytelling portfolio above via a music video, and pick up Epopee _ noun “An Epic” on vinyl which includes this song alongside other epic tales from the artist’s life. Feel free to download an MP3 below, and makes sure to follow on your favorite streaming service to get notified when new songs drop.
Recorded at Dirt Floor.
Epopee on Vinyl
A collection of epic storytelling songs. Listen wherever you stream and download, or click on the button below and pick it up on vinyl now.